
Thursday, August 19, 2010


"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right."

           Among the points delivered by Steve Jobs on his commencement address, this quote hammered into my mind. It reminds me of the fragility of life, that it has an end. And when that ends comes, nothing in this world , not even all its combined wealth and riches, not even all of man’s wisdom and knowledge can stop it—and most of all no single person knows exactly when it comes. In that I realized that I really need to make most of my time. I believe that every day, life gives me a lot of opportunities, unfortunately, sometimes I’m too blind to see them, and if a see them, I think of better to come. This maybe the reason why I keep on doing the same thing all over again, and keep on waiting to amazing things that in a snap would change my life.
It’s no surprise that again after reading his speech as a commencement address for the graduates of Stanford University way back year 2005, I’ll be able to learn something great from him once more. Since I got a little bit of knowledge on his life, his sacrifices, hardships and success, I started to become one of his huge fans. Although I’m not an Apple user (which I hope I am), his every word greatly cause an impact to my life today.
What are those things I learned from his speech? Here, I have the list:

• About connecting the dots

“You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

           I believe that as we make out decisions everyday we’re actually creating dots. Those dots maybe created out of our spite, or for a purpose, will somehow make good connections. This thing I learned from Steve…we have to trust in every decision we make that they will work out alright. You know, one of the difficult things that I’m going through oftentimes is actually making my own decisions, and most of all trusting in them. Whenever I decide, of course, I feel that I’m in charge of my decisions, and my life…I feel afraid to know that if it won’t turn well, I can’t find someone or something to blame on but myself. Thank for this lesson, this reminds me to have conviction on everything I do and posses. Just like what he did, at the very young age, he decided to drop out on the University his in, and stated to find what he really interest him. That time, he didn’t know where he was heading and had no idea of the consequences that might happen. Though it was pretty scary, he just trusted on his guts and believed that it would turn alright. That’s why he considered it as one of the best decisions he ever made.
Like Steve, maybe, I can’t see for now how the dots made are connected to my future, but soon I know I will be able to see the connections between them. As the saying goes” Everything happens for a reason.”

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.”

• Find what you love. Don’t settle.

“And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

     The statement above motivates me to keep finding what I truly love. Honestly, until now I haven’t found yet the thing I wanna do unto the rest of my life. Even entering in college doesn’t provide me assurance of my future nor to figure out what I truly love although it helped me find it.
What I hate about myself is the fact that what I want varies on the things that happened to me. For example, of I see a person happily sewing; I then want to be like him. That’s why it is difficult for me to figure out what or who I want to become. But I do believe that somehow, soon, I’ll be able to find what I love to do. “Keep looking. Don’t settle. You’ll know when you find it.” These are what I hold. If only I am as fortunate as Steve who discovered his interest at the very young age, I won’t make confusions to myself.

• Don’t be afraid to start over

“I had been rejected, but I was still in love.”

      What I like about Steve is his determination and passion to continue on moving. Even though a lot of prying eyes had been looking at him all the time, they did not become a hindrance for him to stop doing what he loves. Like what he advices, "Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."
As we all know, at 30 he was being fired from the company he helped to start. He was devastated from that happening, but he slowly realized that his passion actually fueled him to start over.
He never got afraid to establish himself for a second time. And guess what, he considered the event to be the best thing that could ever happen in his life. “I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”

• Have courage to follow your heart and intuition

     Being courageous is one of the things a man must possess in order to surpass all the challenges that life might offer. I believe that courage does not come from the strength but from the heart-- the root of all. Following your courageous heart, you will meet today’s challenges from a place that is real and authentic. This is the foundation for real personal accomplishment and professional success. This makes Steve Jobs one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the history.  
Without the courage to follow your heart’s desire and your intuition is same as living without a dream. It is all useless to discover what you love if at the very first place you can’t actually fight for it, right?

• Stay Hungry and foolish

“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”


        These are the last words delivered by Steve Jobs as he ended his speech. All he want to mean on these four worded statement was that we should never stop discovering, creating, and innovating whatever difficulties we can encounter in every second of out borrowed life. Like what he said, we need to make most of our time. Our life is just limited…and making the most of it, by doing what we love, can make though not contentment, but satisfaction. 

(All quotations came from Steve Jobs)


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